Local Anesthesia

Kelvin López
Lead Designer & Art Direction

Anestesia Local

Kelvin López. Solo Show
Catalog - Almanac

Soft Cover
Size: 8½ x 11 Inches
Pages: 16 (Heavy Paper)
Language: Spanish
Printed by Ponton Caribe Ediciones SA. Spain


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"Local Anesthesia intends to emphasize the selection of a theme (Flores) that when approached from the plastic arts usually falls into the canned criteria that allude to the banal, the feminine, the commercial, the superficial, especially if we review the topics that historically characterize painting in our country, which almost absolutely avoid any soft or attractive tendency to the retina.

The art that reflects Cuba's history has been characterized by the exploration of political, Afro-Cuban, religious, sociological themes or those dedicated to what has been called the restoration of the esthetic paradigm.

In the case of this exhibition, what could be attractive is precisely the unprejudiced selection of the theme and the way it is presented. All the canvases are an attempt to dilute the idea of what is considered an artist's pictorial style. In this case they were all painted in a different style and well defined from each other: abstraction, expressionism, realism, impressionism. So the title Local Anesthesia manages to concentrate the idea of presenting a theme that, in relation to the context of Cuban art, manages to dissipate existential and creative pains and discomforts."



José Manuel Fors. Memory Tying

René Francisco. Where do we go?

Ruth Mariet. Splinters